A downloadable Root Faction

My submission for This Year's Rootjam!

As the Sect of the Sacred Orb, you'll need to travel with your orb to altars spread across the board in order to perform Offerings. These Offerings allow you to sacrifice your warriors for points! You'll also get some bonus points whenever you finish offering at all active altars. Your shiny orb also allows you to ignore the first hit you take as attacker in battle, and it can't be removed through conventional means. Unfortunately, the orb seems to have attracted the attention of something dangerous....

The Revenant is  a pawn that constantly Pursues your orb and hunts your warriors, cursing paths it moves through. Cursed paths remove warriors that walk through them, and prevents you from moving the orb through them. It's Aggression also grows over time, with higher aggression making it more dangerous and relentless in its pursuit. It's not all bad though! The Revenant battles other factions while it chases you down, and its high aggression allows you to sacrifice more warriors when Offering and draw more cards each turn! You can also throw bodies in its way send your brave warriors to fend it off to keep it aggression low and slow its movement.

Your warriors are the lifeblood of this faction, being used for scoring points, crafting, traversing cursed paths, and for feeding fending off the Revenant in order to slow it down. On the other hand, the Revenant is a double edged sword that allows you to sacrifice your safety to increase your scoring, card draw, and collateral damage done to your opponents. Get sloppy and let the Revenant destroy your orb though, and you'll suffer dire consequences (along with any poor souls stuck in the orb's clearing). Though surely you would never intentionally let your precious orb get destroyed just to hurt your opponents, would you...?


Sect of the Sacred Orb (RootJam 2024.pdf 2.9 MB
adset.png 3.1 MB
Additional Clarifications.txt 1.4 kB

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